Solve the inequality: -2(2x - 4) ≤ 4(2 - x).(1 point)


x ≤ 0
x ≤ 0

x ≤ 4
x ≤ 4

x ≤ 8
x ≤ 8

All Real Numbers
All Real Numbers

No Solution

Which values are in the solution set of the inequality −23x + 13 ≥ −1 ?

Select all that apply.

(3 points)








To solve the inequality −23x + 13 ≥ −1, we need to isolate the variable x. Here's how you can do that:

1. Subtract 13 from both sides to eliminate it on the left side of the inequality:

−23x + 13 - 13 ≥ −1 - 13
−23x ≥ −14

2. Divide both sides by -23 to solve for x:

x ≤ (-14) / (-23)

Simplifying the right side:

x ≤ 14/23

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x ≤ 14/23.

Now, let's determine which values are in the solution set of the inequality. To do this, we can evaluate each option and check if it satisfies the inequality:

1. Substitute 19 into the inequality:

−23(19) + 13 ≥ −1
−437 + 13 ≥ −1
−424 ≥ −1 (True)

2. Substitute 20 into the inequality:

−23(20) + 13 ≥ −1
−460 + 13 ≥ −1
−447 ≥ −1 (True)

3. Substitute 21 into the inequality:

−23(21) + 13 ≥ −1
−483 + 13 ≥ −1
−470 ≥ −1 (True)

4. Substitute 22 into the inequality:

−23(22) + 13 ≥ −1
−506 + 13 ≥ −1
−493 ≥ −1 (True)

5. Substitute 23 into the inequality:

−23(23) + 13 ≥ −1
−529 + 13 ≥ −1
−516 ≥ −1 (True)

From the above evaluations, all the options: 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 satisfy the inequality −23x + 13 ≥ −1. Therefore, all of them are in the solution set.

To solve the inequality −23x + 13 ≥ −1, we need to isolate the variable x.

Let's begin by subtracting 13 from both sides of the inequality:

−23x + 13 - 13 ≥ −1 - 13
−23x ≥ -14

Next, divide both sides of the inequality by -23. Since we are dividing by a negative number, we need to reverse the inequality sign:

x ≤ -14 / -23

Simplifying further:

x ≤ 14/23

Thus, the solution set for the inequality is x ≤ 14/23.

Therefore, none of the given options (19, 20, 21, 22, 23) are in the solution set.