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Use the excerpt to answer the question. . . . I long to hear that you have declared an independency—and by the way in the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make I desire you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. . . . If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment [incite; instigate] a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation. . . .

—Abigail Adams, letter to John Adams
How does Abigail Adams use the ideas of the patriots to support her cause? (1 point) Responses

1) by comparing the existing British laws with the laws that the patriots feel need to be established

2) by declaring women to be independent from and having the same rights as men

3) by claiming that women have the right to rebel if they do not have a voice in government

4) by insisting that history has always been unfair to women by insisting that history has always been unfair to women

Based on the excerpt, the correct answer would be:

3) by claiming that women have the right to rebel if they do not have a voice in government

What motivated most African American soldiers to fight in the Revolutionary War with the Patriots? (1 point) Responses

the hope that the war would also bring an end to slavery ( <---- I believe its this one)

the desire to achieve military ranks the desire to achieve military ranks

the fear of what would happen if they did not fight in the war

the need to protect their family and the families of their masters

You are correct! The most accurate answer is "the hope that the war would also bring an end to slavery." African American soldiers saw the Revolutionary War as an opportunity to fight for their own freedom and the end of slavery.

What was significant about the role of the Green Mountain Boys? Select all that apply. (2 points) (I can pick 3 options) Responses

They launched a surprise attack on Fort Ticonderoga and defeated the British.

They assisted Washington and his troops in launching a surprise attack in Trenton.

They secured valuable supplies of gunpowder and cannons.

They secured a key route into Canada.

They brought their wives to help with the war effort.

The correct options would be:

1) They launched a surprise attack on Fort Ticonderoga and defeated the British.
2) They secured valuable supplies of gunpowder and cannons.
4) They secured a key route into Canada.

The Green Mountain Boys played a crucial role in capturing Fort Ticonderoga and obtaining valuable supplies for the Patriots. Additionally, they controlled a strategic access point into Canada, which held significance for the American cause. Bringing their wives to help with the war effort is not historically attributed to their role.

Which statement correctly contrasts Mary Ludwig Hays’ contributions during the Revolution to those of Betsy Ross? (1 point) Responses

Hays took charge of her husband's farm and Ross tended to wounded soldiers.

Hays made guns and cannons and Ross helped on the home front.

Hays operated a cannon in battle and Ross made the American flag.

Hays was killed in battle and Ross pushed for equal rights for women.