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which of the following is a rational number: 2π, 6/0, √61, or 0.37815? (1 point)

1. 0.37815

2. v2/3
3. v81
4. 1.57
5. 5

The static stretches that would best prepare your muscles to run a marathon among the given options are A. straight leg hamstring stretch and calf stretch. These stretches target the lower body muscles that are heavily engaged during running, helping to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

1. 0.37815

5. 5

The rational number among the options is 0.37815.

Which of the following is an irrational number: −1 5/29, 0.343434..., √2/3, or 87.9821?

The irrational number among the options is √2/3.

The circumference of a circle equals pi times the diameter. Using 3.14 to approximate pi, what is the approximate circumference in inches of a circle with a diameter of 1/2 in.?

To find the approximate circumference of a circle with a diameter of 1/2 inch using the approximation 3.14 for pi, we can apply the formula:

Circumference = pi * diameter

Substituting the values:

Circumference = 3.14 * (1/2)

Circumference = 3.14/2

Circumference ≈ 1.57 inches

Therefore, the approximate circumference of a circle with a diameter of 1/2 inch is 1.57 inches.

9/4 is close to the square root of what integer?

To find the integer close to the square root of 9/4, we can square both sides of the equation.

(√x)^2 = 9/4

x = 9/4

Thus, the integer close to the square root of 9/4 is 9/4 or 2.25.