Carlos ran his cross country race in 18 minutes. His goal is to finish his next one in

under 17 minutes. What skill does Carlos MOST likely need to focus on to reach this
reaction time


To finish his next race in under 17 minutes, Carlos would most likely need to focus on speed. Improving his running speed will help him cover the distance in a shorter amount of time, allowing him to reach his goal.

To determine the skill that Carlos most likely needs to focus on to reach his goal of finishing the next cross country race in under 17 minutes, we can analyze the information provided.

Since Carlos wants to improve his race time, the most relevant skill to focus on would be speed. Increasing his running speed would allow Carlos to cover the same distance in less time. Therefore, Carlos should most likely focus on improving his speed to reach his goal.

To work on improving speed, Carlos can try incorporating speed workouts into his training routine. This can include interval training, tempo runs, and hill workouts, which can help increase his overall speed and endurance. Carlos can also consult with a coach or someone experienced in running to get specific training tips and techniques tailored to his needs.

Remember, training for running also involves a combination of factors including endurance, strength, technique, and mental preparation. So while speed may be the key focus in this case, it is important for Carlos to maintain a well-rounded training program that includes exercises to work on other aspects such as balance, coordination, and reaction time.