match each description to its corresponding policy?

Laissez-faire Interstate Commerce Act Sherman Anti Trust Act
banned business practices that supported monopilies
regulated railroads
supported lack of government intervention in business affairs

Laissez-faire - Supported lack of government intervention in business affairs

Interstate Commerce Act - Regulated railroads
Sherman Anti Trust Act - Banned business practices that supported monopolies

Based on the descriptions provided, you can match each description to its corresponding policy as follows:

1. Laissez-faire: supported lack of government intervention in business affairs.

2. Interstate Commerce Act: regulated railroads.

3. Sherman Anti-Trust Act: banned business practices that supported monopolies.

To match each description to its corresponding policy, we need to understand the characteristics and goals of each policy. Here's a breakdown:

1. Laissez-faire: This policy supports a lack of government intervention in business affairs. It promotes non-interference by the government in the economy, allowing businesses to thrive with minimal regulations.

2. Interstate Commerce Act: This policy regulated railroads. It was enacted in 1887 to address concerns about unfair practices and discrimination in the railroad industry, specifically related to interstate commerce.

3. Sherman Anti-Trust Act: This policy banned business practices that supported monopolies. It was passed in 1890 as the first federal antitrust law in the United States, with the goal of promoting fair competition and preventing monopolistic behavior.

Now let's match the descriptions to their corresponding policies:

- The policy that banned business practices that supported monopolies: Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
- The policy that regulated railroads: Interstate Commerce Act.
- The policy that supported a lack of government intervention in business affairs: Laissez-faire.