In 1970, the Apollo 13 Mission used a slingshot effect to use the moon's gravitational field to help increase the speed and alter the course of the spacecraft without the need to expand fuel. What type of orbit does this effect demonstrate? (1 point) Responses Circular orbit Circular orbit Ellipse orbit Ellipse orbit Hyperbola orbit Hyperbola orbit Parabolic orbit

Ellipse orbit

The slingshot effect, also known as a gravity assist maneuver, demonstrates an elliptical orbit.

The slingshot effect that the Apollo 13 Mission used to alter its course and increase speed is an example of an ellipse orbit. An ellipse is a type of curved path that is characteristic of objects in orbit around a central body, such as the Earth or the Moon. This type of orbit is different from a circular orbit, which is a perfect, symmetrical shape, and it is also different from hyperbola and parabolic orbits, which are open-ended and have a different trajectory.