The process by which a modified stem or root of a parent plant grows offspring that remain attached is called(1 point)


vegetative reproduction.
vegetative reproduction.

binary fission.
binary fission.

tuber reproduction.
tuber reproduction.


The correct answer is vegetative reproduction.

The correct answer is: vegetative reproduction.

The correct answer is vegetative reproduction.

To determine the correct answer, we can break down each option and analyze their definitions:

1. Vegetative reproduction: This is the process by which a modified stem or root of a parent plant grows offspring that remain attached. In vegetative reproduction, new plants are produced from non-reproductive parts.

2. Binary fission: This is a process by which single-celled organisms, such as bacteria, divide into two daughter cells of equal size. It is not applicable to plants.

3. Tuber reproduction: This term does not have a widely recognized definition in the context of plant reproduction. Tubers, such as potatoes, are actually specialized structures used for food storage rather than reproduction.

4. Fragmentation: This process refers to breaking off a piece from a parent organism and the separated fragment developing into a new organism. While fragmentation can occur in some plants, it is not specifically associated with the growth of offspring that remain attached.

By comparing the definitions, we can logically conclude that the correct answer is vegetative reproduction.