There are 0.25 quart in one cup.

Which fraction is equivalent to the number of quarts in one cup?


The fraction that is equivalent to the number of quarts in one cup is 1/4.

To find the fraction equivalent to the number of quarts in one cup, we use the given conversion factor: 0.25 quart = 1 cup.

To express this fraction as a simplified fraction, we can see that both the numerator and denominator can be multiplied by 4 to eliminate the decimal:

0.25 quart * 4/4 = 1 cup * 4/4 = 1 quart/4 cups

Therefore, the fraction equivalent to the number of quarts in one cup is 1/4.

So, the correct answer is 1/4.

To find the fraction that is equivalent to the number of quarts in one cup, we need to convert 0.25 quarts to a fraction.

First, let's note that 1 cup is equivalent to 0.25 quarts (given in the question). To convert this to a fraction, we can express 0.25 as a fraction with a denominator of 1.

0.25 can be written as 25/100 because the decimal point is two places to the right of the original number.

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 25 in this case.

25/100 simplifies to 1/4.

Therefore, the fraction that is equivalent to the number of quarts in one cup is 1/4.

So, the correct response is: