For which type of writing is formal language most commonly used?(1 point)


family text messages
family text messages

personal letters
personal letters

fictional stories
fictional stories

work place emails

work place emails

Formal language is most commonly used in workplace emails.

The correct answer is "workplace emails". Formal language is most commonly used in workplace emails. To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate the other options by considering the context and purpose of different types of writing. Family text messages are typically more casual and informal, as they are exchanged between close family members or friends. Personal letters can have a range of styles depending on the relationship between the sender and recipient, but they often allow for a more personal and informal tone compared to workplace communications. Fictional stories, while they may vary in style and tone, are generally not written in a formal language, as they allow for creativity and storytelling. In contrast, workplace emails are typically written to communicate with colleagues, supervisors, or clients in a professional setting. Therefore, the use of formal language is common to maintain professionalism and convey information accurately.