Which of the following will increase the rate at which a solute dissolves?%C2%A0(Select all that apply.) a decreasing surface area b decreasing temperature c increasing temperature d increasing surface area e stirring

c increasing temperature

d increasing surface area
e stirring

To increase the rate at which a solute dissolves, the following methods can be used:

c) Increasing temperature: The rate of dissolution generally increases with temperature. Increasing the temperature provides more kinetic energy to the solvent particles, allowing them to collide with the solute particles more frequently and with greater energy, leading to a faster dissolution process.

d) Increasing surface area: Breaking or dividing the solute into smaller particles increases the total surface area available for the solvent to come into contact with the solute. This allows for more effective and efficient dissolution as there is more area for the solvent particles to interact with the solute particles.

e) Stirring: Agitating or stirring the mixture helps to increase the contact between the solvent and solute particles. This improves the process of dissolution by ensuring that fresh solvent is constantly in contact with the solute, speeding up the rate at which the solute dissolves.

Therefore, options c), d), and e) will increase the rate at which a solute dissolves.

To determine which factors influence the rate of solute dissolving, we can analyze each option and their effects:

a) Decreasing surface area: This factor actually slows down the rate of solute dissolving. When the surface area of the solute decreases, there is less area available for the solvent molecules to interact with, resulting in a slower dissolution rate. Therefore, decreasing surface area does not increase the rate of solute dissolving.

b) Decreasing temperature: Lowering the temperature generally decreases the rate of solute dissolving. Cooling the system reduces the kinetic energy of the solvent molecules, resulting in slower molecular movement and weaker interactions between the solute and solvent. Hence, decreasing the temperature does not increase the rate of solute dissolving.

c) Increasing temperature: Increasing the temperature usually accelerates the rate of solute dissolving. Higher temperatures provide more thermal energy to the solvent molecules, increasing their kinetic energy and collision frequency. This enhanced molecular movement and interactions between the solute and solvent speed up the dissolution process. Therefore, increasing temperature is one factor that increases the rate of solute dissolving.

d) Increasing surface area: Increasing the surface area of the solute generally increases the rate of solute dissolving. A larger surface area provides more contact points for the solvent molecules to interact with the solute, allowing for faster dissolution. By exposing more solute particles to the solvent, the dissolution process becomes more efficient. Hence, increasing surface area is another factor that increases the rate of solute dissolving.

e) Stirring: Stirring, or agitation, increases the rate of solute dissolving. By stirring, the solvent molecules are mixed and continuously brought into contact with the solute particles. This promotes efficient mixing and maximizes the interactions between the solute and solvent, leading to a faster dissolution rate. Therefore, stirring is another factor that increases the rate of solute dissolving.

In summary, the factors that increase the rate of solute dissolving are increasing temperature, increasing surface area, and stirring. The correct options from the given choices are: c) increasing temperature, d) increasing surface area, and e) stirring.