Which of the following will increase the rate at which a solute dissolves? (Select all that apply.)

decreasing surface area
increasing surface area
increasing temperature
decreasing temperature


increasing surface area
increasing temperature

The factors that can increase the rate at which a solute dissolves are:

b. increasing surface area
c. increasing temperature
e. stirring

To determine which of the options will increase the rate at which a solute dissolves, we can consider the factors that affect the solubility of a solute in a solvent.

1. Increasing surface area (Option b): When the surface area of the solute is increased, more particles of the solute are exposed to the solvent, allowing for more frequent and efficient collisions between solute and solvent particles. This results in an increased rate of dissolution. Therefore, increasing surface area will increase the rate at which a solute dissolves.

2. Increasing temperature (Option c): Increasing the temperature of the solvent usually increases the kinetic energy of the solvent particles. This increased energy leads to more frequent and energetic collisions between solute and solvent particles. Consequently, the rate of dissolution increases with temperature.

3. Stirring (Option e): Stirring or agitating the solvent increases the mixing of solute and solvent particles. This mixing creates a higher concentration gradient, allowing more solute particles to come into contact with the solvent particles and dissolve. Thus, stirring increases the rate at which a solute dissolves.

Based on these explanations, options b (increasing surface area), c (increasing temperature), and e (stirring) will all increase the rate at which a solute dissolves.