Use long division to convert 2/9 to a decimal. Your approximation should have one decimal place. (1 point)

To convert 2/9 to a decimal using long division, divide 2 by 9:

9 | 2.0
- 2.0

The division ends with no remainder, so the decimal approximation of 2/9 is 0.2 (rounded to one decimal place).

To convert the fraction 2/9 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write down the dividend (numerator) 2 inside the long division symbol (÷).
2. Write down the divisor (denominator) 9 outside the division symbol.
3. Set up the long division problem by dividing the numerator by the first digit of the denominator. Write the quotient (result) above the line.
- The first digit of the denominator is 9, and 2 divided by 9 is 0 (since 2 is less than 9).
4. Multiply the quotient (0) by the denominator (9) and write the result below the dividend. This is the first part of the computation.
- The multiplication 0 × 9 equals 0.
5. Subtract the result of the multiplication from the dividend.
- Subtracting 0 from 2 gives us 2.
6. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (which is 0 in this case) after the subtraction.
- The new dividend is 20.
7. Divide the new dividend (20) by the original denominator (9) to obtain the next digit(s) of the quotient.
- The division 20 ÷ 9 is approximately 2 with a remainder of 2.
8. Write the quotient (2) above the line.
9. Multiply the quotient (2) by the denominator (9) and write the result below the dividend. This is the second part of the computation.
- The multiplication 2 × 9 equals 18.
10. Subtract the result of the multiplication from the new dividend.
- Subtracting 18 from 20 gives us 2.
11. Since we have a remainder of 2 and there are no more digits to bring down, we can stop here.

The result is 0.2 (or 0.2 with a line over the 2 to indicate that it repeats).

Therefore, 2/9 as a decimal (rounded to one decimal place) is approximately 0.2.

To convert 2/9 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the fraction as a division problem. Place the dividend (the number being divided) inside the long division symbol (÷) and the divisor (the number 9) outside the symbol.

9 | 2

Step 2: Divide the first digit of the dividend (in this case, 2) by the divisor (9). The result is 0. Write this above the long division symbol.

9 | 2

Step 3: Multiply the divisor (9) by the result from the previous step (0), and write the product (0) below the first digit of the dividend (2). Subtract this product from the first digit of the dividend.

9 | 2
- 0


Step 4: Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) beside the remainder (2) that was obtained in the previous step.

9 | 20
- 0


Step 5: Divide the new dividend (20) by the divisor (9). The result is 2. Write this above the line.

9 | 20
- 18


Step 6: Multiply the divisor (9) by the result from the previous step (2), and write the product (18) below the new dividend (20). Subtract this product from the new dividend (20).

9 | 20
- 18

- 18


Step 7: There are no more digits to bring down, so the division is complete. The remainder is 2.


Therefore, 2/9 as a decimal is approximately 0.2 (rounded to one decimal place).