which sentence contains coordinate adjective

Mr. Tanner is my sister's seventh- grade science teacher at Windsor Middle School

Mr. Tanner is an inspiring, smart, energetic science teacher

Mr. Tanner is an amazing seventh-grade science teacher

Mr. Tanner is an new science teacher at Windsor Middle school

Mr. Tanner is an inspiring, smart, energetic science teacher

The sentence that contains a coordinate adjective is: "Mr. Tanner is an inspiring, smart, energetic science teacher."

The sentence that contains a coordinate adjective is: "Mr. Tanner is an inspiring, smart, energetic science teacher."

To identify the coordinate adjective, you need to look for multiple adjectives that are of equal importance and modify the same noun. In this case, the adjectives "inspiring," "smart," and "energetic" all modify the noun "teacher." The presence of multiple adjectives with commas between them indicates a coordinate adjective.