Which sentence contains coordinate adjectives? Mr. Tanner is my sisters seventh grade science teacher at Windsor medical school.

The sentence "Mr. Tanner is my sisters seventh grade science teacher" contains coordinate adjectives.

The sentence "Mr. Tanner is my sister's seventh grade science teacher at Windsor medical school" contains coordinate adjectives.

To determine which sentence contains coordinate adjectives, we need to understand what coordinate adjectives are. Coordinate adjectives are two or more adjectives that modify the same noun independently and can be separated by a comma.

Let's analyze the sentence you provided: "Mr. Tanner is my sisters seventh grade science teacher at Windsor medical school."

In this sentence, we have several adjectives describing Mr. Tanner: "my sister's", "seventh-grade," and "science."

To determine if these adjectives are coordinate adjectives, we need to see if they can be separated by commas or if they can be placed in a different order without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Let's try reordering the adjectives and see if the sentence still makes sense:

"Mr. Tanner is my sister's science seventh-grade teacher at Windsor medical school."

Reordering the adjectives in this way does not make sense, as it changes the meaning of the sentence. Therefore, we can conclude that the adjectives in this sentence are not coordinate adjectives. They are simply multiple adjectives modifying the noun "teacher" in succession.