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Which is the most likely reason that the earliest theories about the universe supported the geocentric model?(1 point)

Ancient people were not able to see the different objects in the sky.
Ancient people were not able to see the different objects in the sky.

Ancient people lacked modern instruments and tools to gather information.
Ancient people lacked modern instruments and tools to gather information.

Ancient people were not interested in investigating how the universe formed.
Ancient people were not interested in investigating how the universe formed.

Ancient people believed all objects in space revolved around the sun.

None of the options provided accurately explain why the earliest theories supported the geocentric model. However, among the given options, the last one is the least likely reason.

The most likely reason that the earliest theories about the universe supported the geocentric model is that ancient people lacked modern instruments and tools to gather information.

The most likely reason that the earliest theories about the universe supported the geocentric model is because ancient people lacked modern instruments and tools to gather information. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options through a process of elimination.

The first option, "Ancient people were not able to see the different objects in the sky," can be eliminated because ancient people did observe the objects in the sky and developed various explanations for their movements.

The third option, "Ancient people were not interested in investigating how the universe formed," can also be eliminated because ancient people were indeed curious about the universe and its formation.

The fourth option, "Ancient people believed all objects in space revolved around the sun," is incorrect because the geocentric model actually proposed that all objects in space revolved around the Earth.

This leaves us with the second option, "Ancient people lacked modern instruments and tools to gather information," which is the correct answer. Ancient cultures did not have the technology we have today, such as telescopes, that could provide more accurate observations and measurements of celestial bodies. Therefore, they relied on what they could observe with the naked eye and developed the geocentric model to explain these observations.