When you cite, or paraphrase within your article which formula do you follow if the reference is at the beginning of the sentence:

Author (date: page number)

(Author, page number: date)

Author (page number: date)

Author (page number; date

The correct formula to follow if the reference is at the beginning of the sentence is:

Author (date: page number)

When citing or paraphrasing within your article and the reference is at the beginning of the sentence, you should follow the formula:

Author (date: page number)

When citing or paraphrasing within an article, you need to follow the proper formula to acknowledge the source. If the reference is at the beginning of the sentence, you should use the following format:

(Author, date, page number).

This format ensures that the author's last name is mentioned first, followed by the date of the publication in parentheses, and finally, the specific page number(s) where the information can be found. The purpose of including these details is to give credit to the original author and provide the reader with the ability to locate the exact source if needed.

For example, if you were citing a source by Jane Smith from 2021 and the information came from page 25, your citation at the beginning of the sentence would look like this: (Smith, 2021, p. 25).

Remember to include the corresponding entry in the references or bibliography section of your article to provide a complete and accurate reference for the source.