Keisha is trying to teach her son, Marcus, delayed gratification. How can she BEST teach Marcus this concept?

(1 point)
She can ask him questions to see how self-aware he is.
• She can sign him up for a 5K race at a local YMCA.
• She can buy him whatever he wants whenever he asks for things.
• She can give him an allowance each week to save for big purchases.

The best way for Keisha to teach Marcus delayed gratification would be to give him an allowance each week to save for big purchases. This would provide Marcus with the opportunity to practice delaying immediate desires in order to save up for something he wants in the future.

The best way for Keisha to teach Marcus delayed gratification is by giving him an allowance each week to save for big purchases.

The best way for Keisha to teach Marcus the concept of delayed gratification is option 4: "She can give him an allowance each week to save for big purchases." Here's why:

Delayed gratification is the ability to resist the temptation of an immediate reward and instead wait for a later, potentially greater reward. By giving Marcus an allowance and encouraging him to save for big purchases, Keisha is providing him with the opportunity to practice delaying gratification.

Here's how Keisha can implement this teaching strategy effectively:

1. Establish an allowance: Start by setting a reasonable amount of money that Marcus can receive on a weekly basis. This is important to enable him to save for bigger items rather than spending all his money immediately.

2. Teach goal-setting: Help Marcus identify items or experiences that he wants to save up for. Encourage him to set specific goals and create a plan to track his progress.

3. Delayed gratification rewards: Explain to Marcus that by saving his allowance instead of spending it right away, he can eventually afford something more significant or valuable. Reinforce the positive aspects of waiting for a big reward rather than small immediate ones.

4. Regular check-ins: Periodically discuss Marcus's progress toward his savings goal. This will help him stay motivated and feel a sense of accomplishment as he sees his savings grow over time.

5. Celebrate milestones: When Marcus reaches a significant milestone or accomplishes his savings goal, celebrate his success. This will reinforce the idea that delayed gratification can lead to a fulfilling and satisfying outcome.

By following these steps, Keisha can effectively teach Marcus the concept of delayed gratification, which will help him develop self-control, patience, and a better understanding of long-term rewards.