Keisha is trying to teach her son, Marcus, delayed gratification. How can she BEST teach Marcus this concept?

(1 point)

She can ask him questions to see how self-aware he is.

She can ask him questions to see how self-aware he is.

She can sign him up for a 5K race at a local YMCA.

She can sign him up for a 5K race at a local YMCA.

She can buy him whatever he wants whenever he asks for things.

She can buy him whatever he wants whenever he asks for things.

She can give him an allowance each week to save for big purchases.

She can give him an allowance each week to save for big purchases.

The best way for Keisha to teach her son, Marcus, delayed gratification would be to give him an allowance each week to save for big purchases.

The best way for Keisha to teach her son Marcus about delayed gratification is by giving him an allowance each week to save for big purchases. This approach involves giving Marcus a fixed amount of money on a regular basis, which teaches him the value of saving and planning for something he wants in the future. By allowing Marcus to accrue money over time, he will learn the importance of patience, self-control, and delaying immediate desires for a greater reward later on. This method provides practical experience and reinforces the concept of delayed gratification in a tangible way.