car goes 420 miles on a 10 gallon tank

To calculate the car's mileage, we divide the number of miles driven by the number of gallons of gas used.

Mileage = Distance / Gas used

Mileage = 420 miles / 10 gallons

Mileage = 42 miles per gallon

Therefore, the car gets 42 miles per gallon.

To calculate the number of miles per gallon (mpg) that the car gets, divide the total number of miles (420 miles) by the number of gallons of fuel used (10 gallons):

420 miles / 10 gallons = <<420/10=42>>42 mpg

Therefore, the car gets an average of 42 miles per gallon.

To determine how many miles per gallon (MPG) your car gets, you need to divide the total number of miles driven by the total number of gallons of gasoline consumed.

In this case, your car goes 420 miles on a 10-gallon tank. So, to find the MPG, you simply divide 420 by 10:

Miles per Gallon (MPG) = Total Miles / Total Gallons
= 420 miles / 10 gallons
= 42 MPG

Therefore, your car gets 42 miles per gallon.