Lucy bought a new car that has a 18 gallon gas tank. If she can drive 270 miles on a full tank of gas, what is the unit rate of miles per gallon he gets?

1 point
18 miles per gallon
252 miles per gallon
15 miles per gallon
288 miles per gallon

To find the unit rate of miles per gallon, divide the number of miles driven by the number of gallons used.

270 miles / 18 gallons = 15 miles per gallon

Therefore, the unit rate of miles per gallon Lucy gets is 15 miles per gallon.

What is 9/10 ÷ 2/5

To divide fractions, you need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal (or multiplicative inverse) of the second fraction.

So, in this case, the division problem 9/10 ÷ 2/5 becomes 9/10 * 5/2.

Multiplying the numerators (9 * 5) and denominators (10 * 2), we get:


However, this fraction can be simplified by finding a common factor of both the numerator and the denominator.

The greatest common factor of 45 and 20 is 5. By dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5, we get:


Therefore, 9/10 ÷ 2/5 is equal to 9/4.

Zya wants to paint her bedroom wall. If she completes 2/5 of the wall in 1/2 hour, how long will it take her to paint the whole wall?

2 points
3/10 of an hour
3/7 of an hour
2/10 of an hour
4/5 of an hour

To find out how long it will take Zya to paint the whole wall, we need to find the reciprocal of 2/5 (since 2/5 represents the fraction of the wall she completes in 1/2 hour).

The reciprocal of 2/5 is 5/2.

To find the time it will take Zya to paint the whole wall, we multiply the reciprocal by 1/2 hour:

5/2 * 1/2 = 5/4.

Therefore, it will take Zya 5/4 of an hour to paint the whole wall. This can also be represented as 1 1/4 hours or 1 hour and 15 minutes.

To find the unit rate of miles per gallon that Lucy gets with her new car, we need to divide the number of miles she can drive on a full tank of gas by the size of her gas tank.

Lucy can drive 270 miles on a full tank of gas, and her gas tank has a capacity of 18 gallons. So, the unit rate of miles per gallon can be calculated as:

270 miles ÷ 18 gallons = 15 miles per gallon

Therefore, the correct answer is 15 miles per gallon.