True or false: Georgia was the only colony to sell the stamps required by the Stamp Act. (1 point)




To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to examine the historical context of the Stamp Act and the colonies' response to it.

The Stamp Act, passed by the British Parliament in 1765, mandated that all printed materials in the American colonies be stamped with a specific tax-paid stamp. This act was met with widespread opposition from the colonists, who saw it as an infringement on their rights and a form of taxation without representation.

It is important to note that Georgia, as one of the thirteen British colonies in North America, did enforce the Stamp Act. However, it is not accurate to say that Georgia was the only colony to do so.

In reality, some other colonies, such as Connecticut, New York, and New Hampshire, also implemented the Stamp Act. However, the level of enforcement varied among the colonies, and some colonies outright refused to comply with the act. For example, Massachusetts and Virginia were particularly active in opposing and resisting the Stamp Act.

Therefore, the statement that Georgia was the only colony to sell the stamps required by the Stamp Act is false.