Give an example of a scenario of an Adolescent from a village whom is the first to go to varsity and has the whole village and the parents looking up to them face academic pressure leading to mental health issues

Meet Ravi, a 17-year-old adolescent from a small village called Azadganj. Ravi grew up in a tight-knit community where education was not widely encouraged due to limited resources and traditional beliefs. However, Ravi harbored a strong desire to break free from the shackles of his village and pursue higher education.

Driven by determination and ambition, Ravi worked tirelessly, excelling in academics despite the limited availability of study materials and guidance. After years of dedication, Ravi became the first student from his village to be accepted into a prestigious university in a nearby city.

The news of Ravi's accomplishment quickly spread throughout Azadganj, and the entire village was ecstatic. Parents saw hope in their children, and youngsters found inspiration to pursue their dreams. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were on Ravi, expecting him to be the beacon of success and bring prosperity to their small community.

However, the weight of these expectations started taking a toll on Ravi's mental health. He began to feel overwhelmed by the pressure from his parents, villagers, and even his own sense of responsibility towards his community. The once enthusiastic adolescent now found it difficult to cope with the mounting stress of being the first person from the village to enter university.

As Ravi started his journey at the university, he faced new challenges. The academic workload, combined with the lack of proper guidance and resources, left him feeling inadequate and overwhelmed. He struggled to keep up with the increased level of difficulty, feeling like he was drowning in a sea of expectations.

Despite his efforts to seek help and support from his college professors, Ravi found it challenging to bridge the knowledge gap created by years of limited educational resources in his village. The fear of disappointing his parents and failing the village began to consume him, leading to sleepless nights, anxiety, and deteriorating mental health.

Ravi's newfound mental health issues affected his academic performance, further weakening his self-esteem. He felt trapped, torn between his desire to succeed and the immense pressure he faced. The dreams that once fueled his ambition now felt like burdens he could never live up to.

Recognizing the severity of his situation, Ravi's parents and the village elders came together. They realized that their expectations, though rooted in love and hope, were causing more harm than good. With their support, Ravi sought professional help from a counselor who specialized in adolescent mental health.

Through therapy and counseling, Ravi learned effective coping mechanisms to manage his stress and anxiety. He gradually regained control of his mental health and began to set realistic expectations for himself. Ravi's parents, too, understood the importance of mental well-being and encouraged him to prioritize his mental health over societal pressures.

With time, Ravi learned to strike a balance between his academic aspirations and his mental well-being. He realized that success should be defined by personal growth rather than external validation. Through his journey, Ravi went on to become an advocate for mental health awareness in his village, helping break the stigma and create a supportive environment for other adolescents facing similar challenges.


In a small rural village, there is an adolescent named Samira who is the first in her entire community to be accepted into a university. The entire village is incredibly proud of her achievement and looks up to her as a symbol of hope and success. Samira's parents have high expectations for her and place a significant emphasis on her academic performance.

As Samira starts her university journey, she begins to feel an immense amount of pressure to excel academically. She is constantly aware of the expectations placed upon her by her parents and the entire village. Samira feels that she has to live up to their expectations and fears disappointing them.

As a result of the intense academic pressure, Samira begins to experience mental health issues. She may suffer from anxiety, stress, or even depression, as the burden of high expectations becomes overwhelming. Samira is torn between wanting to succeed and make her parents and the village proud, but also struggling with the fear of failure and the toll it is taking on her mental well-being.

Explanation of Academic Pressure and Mental Health:

Academic pressure is a common issue faced by many students, and it can be particularly intense for those who are first-generation college-goers from underprivileged backgrounds. This pressure often stems from various sources, such as high expectations from parents, teachers, and the community, as well as the desire to achieve success and secure a better future.

Mental health issues can arise from the cumulative effects of academic pressure. The constant stress, anxiety, and fear of not meeting expectations can lead to the development of mental health problems. For some students, this may manifest as symptoms of depression, anxiety disorders, or even burnout.

It is crucial to recognize and address the impact of academic pressure on mental health. Supportive environments, open dialogue, and access to mental health resources can help students like Samira manage academic expectations while also maintaining good mental well-being.

Scenario: An Adolescent's Academic Pressure and Mental Health Issues

Step 1: Introduction to the Adolescent and the Village Background
The adolescent in this scenario is a 17-year-old student named Maya, residing in a small village called Greenridge. Growing up, Maya has always been an academically inclined student and has shown exemplary skills and dedication towards her studies. However, she faces an overwhelming load of academic pressure due to being the first from her village to attend university.

Step 2: Expectations from the Village and Parents
Maya's achievement of being the first village student to go to varsity has garnered immense attention and expectations from her village community and her parents. The village sees her as a role model and a symbol of hope for the younger generation, expecting her to make significant achievements and bring admiration to their community. Likewise, her parents, who have always supported her education, have high hopes for her success and expect her to secure a bright future for herself and uplift their family's socioeconomic status.

Step 3: Increased Academic Demands and Competition
The pressure on Maya intensifies due to the increased academic demands and competition she faces at the university. As a student from a village background, she feels the need to prove herself and match the level of her more privileged peers. Maya believes that her success or failure would directly impact her village's reputation and her family's pride. This constant apprehension leads to a constant state of stress, anxiety, and fear of failure.

Step 4: Lack of Support System and Holistic Guidance
Despite the expectations and pressure, Maya lacks a proper support system and holistic guidance to navigate through the challenges she faces. The village lacks resources and mentors who can provide her with the necessary emotional support, guidance, and strategies to balance her academic workload and prioritize her mental well-being. With no one to talk to about her struggles, Maya begins to bottle up her stress and anxiety, further deteriorating her mental health.

Step 5: Manifestation of Mental Health Issues
Under the immense academic and societal pressure, Maya's mental health starts to decline. She begins experiencing symptoms of depression, including persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities she once enjoyed, difficulty concentrating, and changes in appetite and sleep patterns. Her anxiety levels also skyrocket, resulting in constant worrying, panic attacks, and social withdrawal. These mental health issues begin to affect her academic performance and overall quality of life.

Step 6: Seeking Help and Assistance
Recognizing the impact on her mental well-being, Maya finally reaches out for help. She confides in a professor who notices her declining academic performance and refers her to the university's counseling services. Maya starts attending counseling sessions, where she is provided with the necessary emotional support, coping mechanisms, and stress management techniques.

Step 7: Promoting Mental Health Awareness in the Village
Empowered by her counseling sessions and armed with a newfound awareness of mental health, Maya takes the initiative to create awareness in her village. She organizes workshops and awareness campaigns, inviting mental health professionals and experts to educate the villagers about the importance of mental health, the signs of stress and anxiety, and the available resources to seek help.

Step 8: Overcoming Challenges and Inspiring Others
Through her journey of seeking help and raising mental health awareness, Maya not only starts to regain control of her mental well-being but also becomes an inspiration to other village students who are facing similar academic pressures. By sharing her story and supporting her peers, she helps break the stigma surrounding mental health in her village and encourages others to seek help without fear or shame.

Step 9: Striking a Balance and Thriving
With the support she receives and the skills she develops, Maya learns to strike a balance between her academic pursuits and her mental well-being. She discovers effective time management techniques, stress-reducing activities, and establishes a strong support network within her university and village. With time, she not only manages to excel academically but also lives a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Step 10: Long-term Impact and Legacy
Maya's journey has a lasting impact on her village's mindset and approach towards mental health. The increased awareness, support systems, and resources she helped establish create a positive and supportive environment for future generations. Maya's legacy lives on as more village students pursue higher education with greater mental well-being, no longer burdened by unrealistic expectations but guided by a community focused on holistic growth.