Which responsibilities do state governments have with respect to public education? Select all that apply. (1 point) Responses running school boards running school boards providing funding providing funding setting standards setting standards hiring teachers

running school boards providing funding setting standards hiring teachers

To determine the responsibilities of state governments with respect to public education, we can break down the options provided:

1. Running school boards: State governments are responsible for overseeing the operation of school boards. School boards are responsible for making decisions related to educational policies, curriculum, and budgets at the local level. Therefore, this responsibility applies to state governments.

2. Providing funding: State governments play a significant role in funding public education. They allocate funds to school districts and establish funding formulas to ensure equitable distribution of resources among schools. Therefore, this responsibility applies to state governments.

3. Setting standards: State governments are responsible for establishing educational standards, also known as learning objectives or academic expectations, for students in the state. These standards outline the knowledge and skills that students should attain at each grade level. Therefore, this responsibility applies to state governments.

4. Hiring teachers: The responsibility of hiring teachers mainly lies with school districts or local education agencies rather than state governments. However, state governments may set requirements for teacher certification and licensure to ensure that teachers are qualified to educate students. Therefore, this responsibility does not directly apply to state governments.

Based on the above analysis, the responsibilities of state governments with respect to public education include running school boards, providing funding, and setting standards.

The responsibilities that state governments have with respect to public education include:

- Running school boards
- Providing funding
- Setting standards
- Hiring teachers

So, all options listed apply.