A good first step in establishing a workplace violence prevention program is to establish a workplace violence policy statement.True or false

True. A good first step in establishing a workplace violence prevention program is to establish a workplace violence policy statement. This statement sets the tone for the organization's commitment to creating a safe and violence-free work environment.

True. A good first step in establishing a workplace violence prevention program is to establish a workplace violence policy statement. This policy statement sets the expectations and standards for behavior in the workplace, clearly outlining what is considered unacceptable and the consequences of engaging in violent behavior. It provides a foundation for the prevention program and helps to create awareness and understanding among employees.

True. A good first step in establishing a workplace violence prevention program is to establish a workplace violence policy statement.

To find the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept: Workplace violence refers to any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other disruptive behavior that occurs in the work environment. Establishing a workplace violence prevention program helps create a safe and secure workplace for employees.

2. Research workplace violence prevention: Look for reputable sources such as government agencies, occupational safety organizations, or human resources websites to understand the components of a workplace violence prevention program.

3. Understand the importance of policy statement: A workplace violence policy statement outlines the commitment of the organization towards preventing violence in the workplace. It communicates the values, expectations, and responsibilities of both the employer and employees in creating a safe work environment.

4. Analyze the question: The question asks whether establishing a workplace violence policy statement is a good first step in establishing a workplace violence prevention program.

5. Apply your knowledge: Given the importance of policy statements in setting the tone and expectations for workplace violence prevention, it is logical to consider establishing a workplace violence policy as an initial step in developing a comprehensive prevention program.

6. Reach a conclusion: Based on the understanding and consideration of workplace violence prevention programs, it can be concluded that establishing a workplace violence policy statement is a good first step.

Remember, it is always essential to consult with experts or specialists in the field to tailor your workplace violence prevention program to your specific industry and organization.