Which best describes the author’s purpose in "Dorothea Lange”?

to inform readers about the origins of a photograph that has historical importance
to persuade readers to choose a profession based on their life experiences
to persuade readers that a specific photographer was the most talented in American history
to inform readers about the life and work of an admired American photographer

to inform readers about the life and work of an admired American photographer

The best description of the author's purpose in "Dorothea Lange" is to inform readers about the life and work of an admired American photographer.

In order to determine the author's purpose in the article "Dorothea Lange," you will need to analyze the content and structure of the text. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find the answer:

1. Read the article: Start by reading the article carefully, paying attention to the main points and the style of writing used.

2. Identify the main focus of the article: Look for the recurring themes, ideas, or topics throughout the text. Consider what aspect of Dorothea Lange's life and work the author emphasizes the most.

3. Analyze the tone and language used: Take note of the author's tone. Are they objective and informative, or are they trying to convince or persuade the readers? Consider the specific words and phrases the author uses to express their stance.

4. Consider the organization and structure: Evaluate how the article is structured. Does it present a balanced view of Lange's life and work, or does it disproportionately focus on a particular aspect? A well-organized article should provide clear indications of the author's intended purpose.

5. Evaluate the overall impact on readers: Reflect on what effect the article is likely to have on its readers. Does it primarily aim to inform, persuade, or highlight a specific perspective?

Based on this step-by-step analysis, you can determine the most accurate answer among the given options. Remember, the author's purpose may be a combination of several factors, and it's important to consider the evidence found within the article.