What is the purpose of pamphlets?(1 point)

to inform the reader about current events

to provide readers with a public service announcement

to entertain a reader

to inform and persuade a reader

Alright so, I appear to be giving out the answers A LOT this semester, but whatever.

1. To inform and persuade a reader.
2. Able to be trusted.
3.A qualified journalist that works for a recognized news source
4. Complete
I submitted these and got a hundred percent; I don't really care if you trust me or not.


D, no doubt.


Murph is correct!


These were correct thanks @Murph

Thank you so much, Murph, I really needed that!🥰🥺

Murph is 100% right! i got 100% trust him!

The purpose of pamphlets is to inform and persuade a reader. Pamphlets are typically used as a form of printed material to convey information, raise awareness, or promote a particular message or cause. They are often distributed to a wide audience and can be found in various settings such as public places, community centers, and events. The purpose of a pamphlet is to provide concise and easily digestible information on a specific topic, aiming to both educate and influence the reader's perspective or behavior.