Choose the letter of the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics. The decorations were reminiscent of autumn leaves. (1 point) Responses

leftovers leftovers

made made

reminders reminders




To determine the best answer, it is helpful to understand the meaning of the word "reminiscent."

"Reminiscent" means to remind someone of something or to be similar to something. In this sentence, it is describing the decorations, implying that they are reminding or similar to autumn leaves.

Now, let's look at the given options:

1. leftovers: This does not match the meaning of "reminiscent" and does not make sense in the context of the sentence. It can be eliminated.

2. made: This does not match the meaning of "reminiscent" and does not make sense in the context of the sentence. It can be eliminated.

3. reminders: This matches the meaning of "reminiscent" as it suggests that the decorations are reminding or similar to autumn leaves. This seems to be the best answer choice.

4. symbolic: This does not directly match the meaning of "reminiscent" as it implies a deeper meaning or representation. It may not be the best answer choice.

Based on this analysis, the best answer is "reminders" as it matches the meaning of "reminiscent" and makes sense in the context of the sentence.