1. Choose the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics. The factory worker received a pittance for his labor

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meagre salary

The word or phrase that best matches the word in italics, "pittance," is "very small amount" or "meager payment."

To choose the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics, you will need to understand the meaning of the word "pittance." Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Read the sentence carefully: "The factory worker received a pittance for his labor."

2. Identify the context: In this sentence, the factory worker's compensation is described using the word "pittance."

3. Understand the meaning of "pittance": "Pittance" refers to a very small amount of money or compensation.

4. Look for the word or phrase that best matches the meaning of "pittance" in the given options.

Once you have reviewed the options, choose the one that accurately represents a small amount of money or compensation.