Match the state of matter to its description.

Column A
particles are tightly packed and vibrate in place; definite shape and volume:
particles are tightly packed and vibrate in place; definite shape and volume
particles are loosely packed and slide past one another; indefinite shape but definite volume:
particles are loosely packed and slide past one another; indefinite shape but definite volume
particles are far apart and move at fast speeds; indefinite shape and volume:
particles are far apart and move at fast speeds; indefinite shape and volume
Column B

1. c. solid

2. b. liquid
3. a. gas

Matching the state of matter to its description:

Column A
1. particles are tightly packed and vibrate in place; definite shape and volume: c. solid
2. particles are loosely packed and slide past one another; indefinite shape but definite volume: b. liquid
3. particles are far apart and move at fast speeds; indefinite shape and volume: a. gas

To match the state of matter to its description, let's analyze each description one by one and then match it with the appropriate state of matter from Column B.

1. Particles are tightly packed and vibrate in place; definite shape and volume:
This description corresponds to the state of matter known as solid. In solids, particles are tightly packed and have a fixed shape and volume.

2. Particles are loosely packed and slide past one another; indefinite shape but definite volume:
This description corresponds to the state of matter known as liquid. In liquids, particles are loosely packed and can slide past one another, allowing the substance to take the shape of its container. However, it still has a definite volume.

3. Particles are far apart and move at fast speeds; indefinite shape and volume:
This description corresponds to the state of matter known as gas. In gases, particles are far apart and move at high speeds, resulting in an indefinite shape and volume.

Now, let's match the descriptions with the appropriate states of matter from Column B:
1. - c. solid
2. - b. liquid
3. - a. gas

So, the matching pairs are:
1. - c. solid
2. - b. liquid
3. - a. gas