Match the state of matter to its description.

Column A
particles are tightly packed and vibrate in place; definite shape and volume:
particles are tightly packed and vibrate in place; definite shape and volume
particles are loosely packed and slide past one another; indefinite shape but definite volume:
particles are loosely packed and slide past one another; indefinite shape but definite volume
particles are far apart and move at fast speeds; indefinite shape and volume:
particles are far apart and move at fast speeds; indefinite shape and volume
Column B

1. c. solid

2. a. liquid
3. b. gas

Matched pairs:

1. particles are tightly packed and vibrate in place; definite shape and volume - c. solid
2. particles are loosely packed and slide past one another; indefinite shape but definite volume - a. liquid
3. particles are far apart and move at fast speeds; indefinite shape and volume - b. gas

To match the state of matter to its description, you can analyze the characteristics of each state of matter and match them accordingly.

In Column A:
1. "particles are tightly packed and vibrate in place; definite shape and volume" describes a state of matter where the particles are closely packed and have a fixed position, maintaining a definite shape and volume. This corresponds to a solid.

2. "particles are loosely packed and slide past one another; indefinite shape but definite volume" refers to a state of matter where the particles are not as tightly packed and can move past each other. Although it does not have a definite shape, it still maintains a definite volume. This describes a liquid.

3. "particles are far apart and move at fast speeds; indefinite shape and volume" describes a state of matter where the particles are spread out and move rapidly. It does not have a definite shape or volume. This corresponds to a gas.

In Column B:
a. liquid
b. gas
c. solid

So the matching pairs would be:
1. c. solid
2. a. liquid
3. b. gas