Almond oil and olive oil are mixed together in a bottle the ratio of almond oil to olive oil is 2 to 3

Answer with fraction

The ratio of almond oil to olive oil is 2/3.

The ratio of almond oil to olive oil is 2:3. We can represent this ratio as a fraction by writing the number of parts of almond oil as the numerator and the number of parts of olive oil as the denominator. Therefore, the fraction representing the ratio is 2/3.

To find the fraction that represents the ratio of almond oil to olive oil, you need to know the total number of parts in the mixture.

Since the ratio of almond oil to olive oil is given as 2 to 3, the total number of parts is 2 + 3 = 5.

The fraction representing the ratio of almond oil to olive oil can be calculated by dividing the number of parts for almond oil by the total number of parts:

2 parts (almond oil) ÷ 5 parts (total) = 2/5

Therefore, the fraction that represents the ratio of almond oil to olive oil is 2/5.