
Write your answer in scientific notation. Show your work.

To add these two numbers in scientific notation, we first need to make sure that the exponents are the same.

For the first number, 5.1x10^4, we can rewrite it as (5.1x10^4)x(10^1).

Next, we can add the two numbers: (5.1x10^4)x(10^1) + (6x10^5).

Using the properties of exponents, we can simplify the expression by adding the coefficients and keeping the same base: 5.1x10^4 x 10^1 + 6x10^5 = 5.1x10^5 + 6x10^5.

Now, since the bases and exponents are the same, we can add the coefficients: 5.1 + 6 = 11.1.

Finally, we can rewrite the sum in scientific notation as 11.1x10^5.

So, the answer is 11.1x10^5.

To add numbers in scientific notation, the exponents must be the same. We have:

(5.1 × 10^4) + (6 × 10^5)

First, let's convert 5.1 × 10^4 to the same exponent as 6 × 10^5.

5.1 × 10^4 can be written as 0.51 × 10^5 by moving the decimal point one place to the left.

Now we can add the numbers:

(0.51 × 10^5) + (6 × 10^5) = 6.51 × 10^5

Therefore, the sum of (5.1 × 10^4) and (6 × 10^5) in scientific notation is 6.51 × 10^5.

To add numbers in scientific notation, we first need to make sure that the exponents are the same.

Given: (5.1x10^4) + (6x10^5)

We can rewrite 5.1x10^4 as 0.51x10^5 to match the exponent of 10^5.

Now we can add the two numbers:

0.51x10^5 + 6x10^5 = (0.51 + 6)x10^5 = 6.51x10^5

Therefore, (5.1x10^4) + (6x10^5) = 6.51x10^5.