Which energy resource is nonrenewable?(1 point)







The energy resource which is nonrenewable is coal.

Coal is the correct answer. To determine which energy resource is nonrenewable among the given options (biomass, wind, water, and coal), we need to understand the concept of nonrenewable resources. Nonrenewable resources are those that cannot be easily replenished or regenerated within a short period of time.

Biomass can be considered a renewable resource since it is derived from organic matter that can be regrown or replenished, such as crops or plant waste.

Wind energy is generated by the wind, which is a natural occurrence and thus considered a renewable resource. As long as the wind keeps blowing, we can continue to harness its energy.

Water, in the context of energy resources, typically refers to hydropower obtained from flowing or falling water. While water itself is a renewable resource in nature, the availability of specific water sources for hydropower generation can be limited, making it nonrenewable in those specific locations.

Coal, on the other hand, is a nonrenewable energy resource. It is a fossil fuel formed from the remains of plants that lived and died millions of years ago. The process of forming coal takes an extensive amount of time, making it a finite resource that cannot be quickly replaced.

Therefore, among the given options, coal is the nonrenewable energy resource.