What disadvantage does biomass energy share with fossil fuel energy?(1 point)

It leads to air pollution.

It disrupts water ecosystems.

It is expensive to use.

Its supply is limited.

Which is a disadvantage of wind power?(1 point)

It can harm wildlife.

It creates pollution.

It is not efficient.

It can be used anywhere.

Which is an advantage of hydropower?(1 point)

Its environmental effects are predictable.

It generates the most energy.

It gives off no air pollution.

It has no environmental impact.

1. It leads to air pollution

2. It fan harm wildlife
3.it gives off no air pollution
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thank you someone for giving me a 100 all i wanna do is make my mom proud thanks really much ❤❤❤💖💖💖🌹🌹🌹😃😃😃༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

My answers for this question was

1.it leads to air pollution
2.it wan harm wildlife
3.it gives off no air pollution<3
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i have answers

give answes?

i plz need answers

thx someone

To determine the disadvantages and advantages of different energy sources, we can analyze the given options and identify the correct answers.

For the first question, the disadvantage that both biomass energy and fossil fuel energy share is that they lead to air pollution. To arrive at this answer, we must consider the fact that both biomass energy and fossil fuel energy involve the combustion of organic materials, which releases carbon dioxide and other harmful gases into the atmosphere.

The correct answer for the second question is that wind power can harm wildlife. This is a disadvantage because wind turbines can pose risks to birds, bats, and other flying species that may collide with the rotating blades.

Lastly, the correct answer for the third question is that hydropower gives off no air pollution. This is an advantage because hydropower does not involve burning fossil fuels or releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. However, it's important to note that hydropower does have other potential impacts on the environment, such as influencing water ecosystems and altering the natural flow of rivers.

In summary:

1. The disadvantage shared by biomass energy and fossil fuel energy is that they both lead to air pollution.
2. A disadvantage of wind power is that it can harm wildlife.
3. An advantage of hydropower is that it gives off no air pollution.