Maria opens a savings account with $50 and then saves $19 each week. How many weeks will it take for her account to reach $259? Represent this problem with an equation (1 point)

O 259 + 50 = 19x

10x + 50 = 250

O 10x - 50 = 259

50x + 19 = 259

Let x represent the number of weeks.

The equation representing this problem is: 50 + 19x = 259

To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation representing the given information. Let's represent the number of weeks as 'x.'

Each week, Maria saves $19, so over 'x' weeks, she would save a total of 19x dollars.

Given that Maria opened the account with $50, the total amount in her account after 'x' weeks would be 50 + 19x dollars.

We are trying to find when her account reaches $259, so we can set up the equation:
50 + 19x = 259

Now, we can solve for 'x' by isolating the variable:
19x = 259 - 50
19x = 209

Dividing both sides by 19, we get:
x = 209 / 19

So it will take approximately 11 weeks for Maria's account to reach $259.

The correct equation to represent this problem is:

50 + 19x = 259