Maria opens a savings account with $50 and then saves $19 each week. How many weeks will it take for her account to reach $259? Represent this problem with an equation.

259 + 50 = 19(x)

19(x) + 50 = 259

19(x) − 50 = 259

50(x) + 19 = 259

19x + 50 = 259

9 weeks
27 Games
3 tickets

Annette's soccer team will play 15 games this season. That is 7 games fewer than 2 times the number of games they played last season. How many games did they play last season? Represent this problem with an equation in the form

px + q=r.

A. 2× - 7 = 15
B. 7 - 2x = 15
C. 15 — 7 = 2×
D. 2x + 7 = 15

Let's break down the problem step by step.

Maria opens a savings account with $50.
Each week, she saves $19.

Let's say she saves for x weeks. By multiplying the amount saved each week ($19) by the number of weeks (x), we can determine the total amount saved.

The equation representing this problem is: 19x + 50 = 259.

The correct equation to represent this problem is 19(x) + 50 = 259.

In this equation, x represents the number of weeks it will take for Maria's account to reach $259. The term 19(x) represents the total amount that Maria saves over the course of x weeks, and 50 represents the initial amount she deposited into the account.

By rearranging and solving this equation, you can determine the value of x, which represents the number of weeks it will take for Maria's account to reach $259.

Let's represent this problem with an equation!

Let x represent the number of weeks it will take for Maria's account to reach $259.

Since Maria saves $19 each week, the amount saved in x weeks is 19x.

Therefore, the equation can be written as:

19x + 50 = 259



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