tocarre and Anesia have glitter markers in a ratio of 2:3. they have a total of 30 giller markers. how many glitter markers does Anesia have?

Since the ratio between Tocarre and Anesia is 2:3, let's call the ratio multiplier "x". Therefore, Tocarre has 2x glitter markers and Anesia has 3x glitter markers.

The total number of glitter markers is the sum of the markers of Tocarre and Anesia, so we have:
2x + 3x = 30
5x = 30
Dividing both sides by 5, we find:
x = 6
Now we can calculate the number of glitter markers Anesia has by multiplying her ratio multiplier by the number of markers per unit in the ratio:
3 * 6 = <<3*6=18>>18
Therefore, Anesia has 18 glitter markers.

To find out how many glitter markers Anesia has, we need to use the given ratio of 2:3 and the total number of glitter markers both of them have, which is 30.

Step 1: Add the parts of the ratio (2 + 3 = 5) to determine the total number of equal parts.

Step 2: Divide the total number of glitter markers (30) by the total number of equal parts (5) to find the value of each equal part.

30 ÷ 5 = 6

Step 3: Multiply the value of each equal part by the ratio part for Anesia (3) to determine how many glitter markers Anesia has.

6 × 3 = 18

Therefore, Anesia has 18 glitter markers.

To find out how many glitter markers Anesia has, we first need to determine the ratio between the two individuals.

The given ratio of Tocarre and Anesia's glitter markers is 2:3. This means that for every 2 glitter markers Tocarre has, Anesia has 3 glitter markers.

Next, we know that they have a total of 30 glitter markers. In ratio terms, this means the total ratio is 2 + 3 = 5 parts (2 parts for Tocarre and 3 parts for Anesia).

To find the number of glitter markers Anesia has, we can set up a proportion:
(3 parts/5 parts) * 30 = (number of glitter markers Anesia has).

Simplifying the proportion:
(3/5) * 30 = (3 * 30) / 5 = 90/5 = 18.

Therefore, Anesia has 18 glitter markers.