White chocolate is 57% sugar. How much sugar is in 450 grams of white chocolate?

To find the amount of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate, you need to multiply the weight (450 grams) by the percentage of sugar (57%).

Amount of sugar = 450 grams × 57/100 = (450 × 57)/100 = 256.5 grams

Therefore, there is 256.5 grams of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate.

To determine the amount of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate, we need to calculate 57% of 450.

To do this, we can use the following formula:

Amount of sugar = (Percentage/100) * Total weight

In this case, the percentage is 57% (or 0.57 in decimal form) and the total weight is 450 grams.

So, we can calculate the amount of sugar as follows:

Amount of sugar = 0.57 * 450

Now, let's do the math:

Amount of sugar = 256.5 grams

Therefore, there is approximately 256.5 grams of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate.

To calculate the amount of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate, you need to multiply the weight of the white chocolate by the percentage of sugar it contains.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
57% = 57/100 = 0.57

Step 2: Multiply the weight of the white chocolate by the decimal value obtained in step 1.
450 grams * 0.57 = 256.5 grams

Therefore, there are 256.5 grams of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate.