White chocolate is 57% sugar. How much sugar is in 450 grams of white chocolate?(1 point)

The amount of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate can be calculated by finding 57% of 450.

57% can be written as 57/100. So, to find what 57% of 450 is, we can multiply 450 by (57/100).

(57/100) * 450 = (57 * 450) / 100 = 256.5

Therefore, there is approximately 256.5 grams of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate.

To find out how much sugar is in 450 grams of white chocolate, you can multiply the weight of the white chocolate by the percentage of sugar it contains.

First, calculate the amount of sugar in 1 gram of white chocolate:
57% of 1 gram = 0.57 grams

Next, multiply the amount of sugar per gram by the weight of the white chocolate:
0.57 grams x 450 grams = 256.5 grams

Therefore, there is approximately 256.5 grams of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate.

To calculate the amount of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate, you need to find 57% of 450 grams. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
57% ÷ 100 = 0.57

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the total weight of white chocolate.
0.57 x 450 grams = 256.5 grams

Therefore, there are 256.5 grams of sugar in 450 grams of white chocolate.