Write an inequality that represents your total earnings based on the price of your item and how many you sell. The item of the price is 2.50$ and ill sell 28 items of it

Let's represent your total earnings as 'E'. The price of each item is $2.50, and the quantity sold is 28.

The inequality that represents your total earnings can be written as:

E ≥ 2.50 * 28

This inequality states that your total earnings (E) must be greater than or equal to the product of the price ($2.50) and the quantity sold (28).

The inequality that represents your total earnings based on the price of your item and how many you sell can be written as follows:

Total Earnings ≤ Price × Quantity

Substituting the given values:

Total Earnings ≤ 2.50 × 28

Simplifying further:

Total Earnings ≤ 70.00$

To write an inequality that represents your total earnings based on the price of your item and the number of items you sell, you can multiply the price per item by the number of items sold and set it to be greater than or equal to your desired earnings. Let's represent your total earnings as "E".

Given that the price of your item is $2.50 and you sell 28 items, the inequality representing your total earnings would be:

E ≥ 2.50 × 28

Simplifying the equation:

E ≥ 70

This inequality implies that your earnings (E) must be greater than or equal to $70 in order to meet your desired earnings based on selling 28 items at a price of $2.50 each.