Alexa has $520 to spend at a bicycle store for some new gear and biking outfits. Assume all prices listed include tax.

She buys a new bicycle for $342.81.
She buys 4 bicycle reflectors for $3.90 each and a pair of bike gloves for $14.51.
She plans to spend some or all of the money she has left to buy new biking outfits for $47.72 each.

Which inequality can be used to determine oo, the maximum number of outfits Alexa can purchase while staying within her budget?
Multiple Choice Answers
520, is greater than or equal to, 47, point, 7, 2, left bracket, 372, point, 9, 2, plus, o, right bracket520≥47.72(372.92+o)
520, is less than or equal to, 47, point, 7, 2, o, plus, 372, point, 9, 2520≤47.72o+372.92
520, is less than or equal to, 47, point, 7, 2, left bracket, 372, point, 9, 2, plus, o, right bracket520≤47.72(372.92+o)
520, is greater than or equal to, 47, point, 7, 2, o, plus, 372, point, 9, 2520≥47.72o+372.92

The correct inequality is:


The correct inequality that can be used to determine the maximum number of outfits Alexa can purchase while staying within her budget is:

520 ≤ 47.72(o) + 372.92

To determine the maximum number of outfits Alexa can purchase while staying within her budget, we need to set up an inequality based on the information given. Let's break down the purchases:

1. Alexa buys a new bicycle for $342.81.
2. Alexa buys 4 bicycle reflectors at $3.90 each, which totals to $3.90 * 4 = $15.60.
3. Alexa buys a pair of bike gloves for $14.51.

To find the amount of money Alexa has left after these purchases, we subtract the total cost of the purchases from the initial budget of $520:

$520 - ($342.81 + $15.60 + $14.51) = $520 - $373.92 = $146.08.

Now, Alexa plans to spend this remaining money on new biking outfits priced at $47.72 each. Let's use "o" to represent the number of outfits Alexa can purchase.

The cost of o outfits can be calculated as $47.72 * o.

Combining the remaining budget with the cost of outfits, the inequality that represents staying within the budget is:

$146.08 ≥ $47.72o.

Therefore, the correct inequality is:

520 ≥ 47.72o + 372.92