Create a vibrant scene at a school fair, showcasing two girls, Krista and Alexa engrossed in a game of balloon darts. Krista, a Middle-Eastern girl, is seen popping one of the many multi-colored balloons arranged on the dartboard. Alexa, a Black girl stands beside her, dart in hand, with a confident grin on her face. Illustrate the situation such that it indicates Alexa has popped one balloon more than Krista. However, ensure the actual count of the balloons is not visible to maintain the intrigue of solving the equation.

Krista and Alexa played balloon darts in a school fair. Krista popped 6 balloons, which is 1 balloon less than Alexa. Complete the working equation that represents the number of balloons, b, that Alexa popped and solve the equation. (1 point) b − 1 = b = balloons

To represent the number of balloons Alexa popped with an equation, we can let b represent the unknown number of balloons.

Since Krista popped 6 balloons, which is 1 less than Alexa, we can write the equation:

b − 1 = 6

To solve for b, we can add 1 to both sides of the equation:

b − 1 + 1 = 6 + 1

This simplifies to:

b = 7

Therefore, Alexa popped 7 balloons.

The equation that represents the number of balloons that Alexa popped is b - 1 = 6.

To solve the equation, we can add 1 to both sides:

b - 1 + 1 = 6 + 1

This simplifies to:

b = 7

Therefore, Alexa popped 7 balloons.

To represent the number of balloons that Alexa popped, we will use the variable "b".

According to the problem, Krista popped 6 balloons, which is 1 balloon less than Alexa. So, the equation representing the number of balloons that Alexa popped is:

b - 1 = 6

To solve this equation, we need to isolate the variable "b" on one side.

First, let's add 1 to both sides of the equation to get rid of the "-1" on the left side:

b - 1 + 1 = 6 + 1

This simplifies to:

b = 7

Therefore, Alexa popped 7 balloons.