Identify the underlined phrase in the sentence.

Mikayla’s homeroom teacher, Mr. Jones, is very proud of her.
(1 point)







To identify the underlined phrase in the sentence, we need to first understand the different types of phrases.

1. A participial phrase includes a present or past participle along with any modifiers or complements. It functions as an adjective and provides additional information about a noun or pronoun.
Example: "Running down the street," Sarah chased after her dog.

2. A gerund phrase includes a gerund (a verb form ending in -ing) along with any modifiers or complements. It functions as a noun in a sentence.
Example: "Reading books" is my favorite hobby.

3. An appositive phrase includes an appositive (a noun or pronoun) along with any modifiers. It provides additional information about a noun or pronoun.
Example: My friend, "a talented artist," is creating a beautiful painting.

4. A prepositional phrase includes a preposition along with its object and any modifiers. It can function as an adjective, adverb, or noun phrase.
Example: I went "to the store" to buy some groceries.

In the given sentence, the underlined phrase is "Mikayla's homeroom teacher." This phrase provides additional information about Mikayla. It is an appositive phrase because it renames or identifies Mikayla's teacher.