Elisa won 40 lollipops playing basketball at the school fair. She gave two to every student in her math class. She has at least 7 lollipops left. Select the inequality.



To find the correct inequality, let's analyze the given information. Elisa won 40 lollipops and gave two to every student in her math class. Let's assume there are x students in her math class.

So, the total number of lollipops Elisa gave away would be 2x.

Now, it is mentioned that she has at least 7 lollipops left. This means that the number of lollipops she gave away cannot exceed the total number she won by more than 7.

Therefore, the correct inequality would be: 40 - 2x ≥ 7.

This inequality represents that the difference between the initial number of lollipops (40) and twice the number of students in her math class (2x) should be greater than or equal to 7.

So, the correct inequality is 40 - 2x ≥ 7.

Elisa gave two lollipops to every student in her math class, which means she gave away a total of 2*x lollipops, where x is the number of students in her math class. She started with 40 lollipops and has at least 7 lollipops left. The correct inequality to represent this situation is:

40 - 2x >= 7