Antonio is leading his fitness class. While instructing deadlifts, what should he say to his classmates to MOST likely help them avoid injury?

(1 point)

Hold your breath.

Hold your breath.

Keep a flat back.

Keep a flat back.

Strain your neck.

Strain your neck.

Choose a very heavy weight.

Keep your core engaged and maintain a neutral spine.

To help his classmates avoid injury while instructing deadlifts, Antonio should emphasize the following guidance:

1. Keep a flat back: Maintaining a neutral spine is crucial during deadlifts. Antonio should instruct his classmates to focus on keeping their back straight and avoiding excessive rounding or arching.

2. Hold your breath: While it may sound counterintuitive, instructing his classmates to hold their breath during the lifting phase can help stabilize the core and protect the lower back. Antonio should specifically mention to exhale after completing the lift and inhale before each subsequent repetition.

3. Choose an appropriate weight: Antonio should advise his classmates to select a weight that challenges them but is still manageable. Picking a weight that is too heavy can increase the risk of injury due to improper form or excessive strain on the muscles and joints.

On the other hand, Antonio should caution against the following:

1. Straining your neck: Antonio should remind his classmates to maintain a neutral neck position during deadlifts and avoid excessive strain or tension in the neck muscles. This can be achieved by keeping the head aligned with the spine.

In summary, Antonio should instruct his classmates to keep a flat back, hold their breath appropriately, and choose an appropriate weight, while also emphasizing the importance of not straining the neck.

To avoid injury while performing deadlifts, Antonio should emphasize these instructions to his classmates:

1. Keep a flat back: When instructing his classmates, Antonio should emphasize the importance of maintaining a neutral spine throughout the movement. This means avoiding rounding or arching the back excessively, as it can put extra stress on the spine and increase the risk of injury.

2. Hold your breath: While it may seem counterintuitive, holding your breath during the lift helps create intra-abdominal pressure, which stabilizes the spine. Antonio can explain to his classmates that it's important to take a deep breath prior to initiating the lift, hold it during the concentric phase (lifting the weight), and exhale at the top or during the eccentric phase (lowering the weight). However, it's crucial to note that this breath-holding technique is only recommended for experienced lifters who are familiar with proper breathing techniques.

3. Strain your neck: Antonio should make it clear to his classmates that they should *not* strain their necks while performing deadlifts. The neck should be in a neutral position, aligned with the spine. Straining the neck by looking up or tilting the head too far can cause unnecessary tension and potentially lead to injury.

4. Choose an appropriate weight: Antonio should advise his classmates to choose a weight that is suitable for their current strength and ability. It's essential to start with a weight that allows them to maintain proper form and complete the exercise with control. Using a weight that is too heavy can compromise form and increase the risk of injury.

By focusing on these instructions, Antonio can help his classmates perform deadlifts with proper form and reduce the chance of injury.