gas to liquid

liquid to solid:

liquid to solid

solid to liquid:

liquid to gas

solid to gas:

gas to solid

match these words with this

a. condensation - gas to liquid

b. melting - solid to liquid
c. sublimation - solid to gas
d. vaporization - liquid to gas
e. deposition - gas to solid
f. freezing - liquid to solid

To match the words with the phase changes, here is a breakdown:

- Gas to liquid: Vaporization (d)
- Liquid to solid: Freezing (f)
- Liquid to gas: Vaporization (d)
- Solid to liquid: Melting (b)
- Solid to gas: Sublimation (c)
- Gas to solid: Deposition (e)
- Condensation (a) does not match any of the given phase changes.

So, the correct matching would be:

- Gas to liquid: Vaporization (d)
- Liquid to solid: Freezing (f)
- Liquid to gas: Vaporization (d)
- Solid to liquid: Melting (b)
- Solid to gas: Sublimation (c)
- Gas to solid: Deposition (e)

gas to liquid: d. vaporization

liquid to solid: f. freezing
liquid to gas: a. condensation
solid to liquid: b. melting
liquid to gas: a. condensation
solid to gas: c. sublimation