The average tectonic plate moves at the rate of 0.006 m per year how many meters would it move in 2 times 10^6 years

To find the total distance the tectonic plate moves in 2 times 10^6 years, we can multiply the average rate of movement by the number of years.

Distance = Rate * Time

Distance = 0.006 m/year * 2 * 10^6 years

Distance = 0.006 * 2 * 10^6 m

Distance = 12 * 10^4 m

Distance = 1.2 * 10^5 m

So, the tectonic plate would move 1.2 * 10^5 meters in 2 times 10^6 years.

To find out how many meters a tectonic plate would move in 2 times 10^6 years at a rate of 0.006 m per year, you need to multiply the rate by the number of years.

Rate of plate movement: 0.006 m/year
Number of years: 2 * 10^6

To calculate the total distance, multiply the rate (0.006 m/year) by the number of years (2 * 10^6):

Distance = Rate * Number of years
Distance = 0.006 m/year * (2 * 10^6) years

Converting 2 * 10^6 to standard notation:
Distance = 0.006 m/year * 2,000,000 years

Now, multiply the numbers together:

Distance = 0.006 * 2,000,000

Calculating the result:

Distance = 12,000 meters

Therefore, a tectonic plate would move approximately 12,000 meters in 2 times 10^6 years at a rate of 0.006 m per year.

To solve this problem, we can use the formula:

Distance = Rate x Time

Given that the average tectonic plate moves at a rate of 0.006 m per year, and we want to find the distance it would move in 2 times 10^6 years, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Distance = 0.006 m/year x 2 x 10^6 years

Now, let's calculate this:

Distance = 0.006 m/year x 2 x 10^6 years
= 0.006 m/year x 2,000,000 years
= 12,000 meters

Therefore, the tectonic plate would move 12,000 meters in 2 times 10^6 years.