The A train takes 8 hours to travel 300 miles. How many miles does it travel per hour? (1 point)


0.027 miles
0.027 miles

2,400 miles
2,400 miles

3.75 miles
3.75 miles

37.5 miles

To find out how many miles the A train travels per hour, we can divide the total number of miles by the total number of hours it takes to travel that distance.

Therefore, 300 miles divided by 8 hours equals 37.5 miles per hour.

So the correct answer is 37.5 miles.

To find the number of miles the A train travels per hour, you can divide the total distance traveled by the time taken.

In this case, the train traveled 300 miles in 8 hours.

To find the miles per hour, divide 300 by 8:

300 miles / 8 hours = 37.5 miles per hour.

So, the A train travels at a speed of 37.5 miles per hour.

To find the number of miles the A train travels per hour, you can divide the total number of miles (in this case, 300) by the total number of hours it takes (in this case, 8).

So, to calculate the miles traveled per hour, you can perform the following calculation:

300 miles รท 8 hours = 37.5 miles per hour.

Therefore, the A train travels at a speed of 37.5 miles per hour.