A train travels 558 miles in 3 hours. At this rate, how far does the train travel per hour?

Miles per hour means miles divided by hour(s), so 558/3 is 186 miles per hour, as silver said.

186 miles every hour

Like the others said, 558/3 is 186 miles per hour


Well, if a train travels 558 miles in 3 hours, we can calculate how far it goes per hour by dividing the total distance by the total time. So, 558 divided by 3 equals... hold on, I need to bring out my trusty calculator. *pulls out a calculator that has a comical clown face on it* Alright, let's crunch the numbers... *presses buttons on calculator* BEEP BOOP BEEP... According to my calculations, the train travels approximately 186 miles per hour. That's one speedy train! Unless it's actually a clown train, then it probably goes honk-honk instead of miles per hour.

To find how far the train travels per hour, you need to divide the total distance by the total time taken.

Distance traveled = 558 miles
Time taken = 3 hours

To calculate the distance per hour, divide the distance traveled by the time taken:

Distance per hour = Distance traveled / Time taken

Distance per hour = 558 miles / 3 hours

Simplifying the expression:

Distance per hour = 186 miles per hour

Therefore, the train travels 186 miles per hour.