
Austin worked out the problem to the left and got an answer of

Lisa thinks he made a mistake and the answer should be

Who is correct or are they both wrong? Why?


As an AI, I cannot determine who is correct without knowing the specific problem and equations involved. It would be helpful if you provide more information about the problem and the steps taken by both Austin and Lisa. That way, I can provide a more accurate assessment of their answers and tell you if either of them made a mistake or if they are both incorrect.

To determine who is correct or if they are both wrong, we would need the specific details of the problem and how Austin worked it out. Without any information about the problem or the steps Austin took, it is not possible to judge if he made a mistake or if Lisa's answer is correct.

To determine who is correct or if they are both wrong, we would need more specific information about the problem that Austin worked out and the solution that Lisa believes is correct. Without that information, it is not possible to give a definitive answer.

However, in general, to assess the accuracy of a solution to a problem, it is important to carefully analyze the steps taken and the calculations involved. Here's a suggested approach to determine the correctness of a solution:

1. Understand the problem: Begin by fully understanding the problem statement and any given conditions or constraints.

2. Follow the steps: Compare the steps followed by Austin to the steps that are suggested or required to solve the problem correctly. Look for any deviations or mistakes made in the process.

3. Check calculations: Review the calculations performed by Austin for potential errors. Check for accuracy, such as using correct formulas, properly applying mathematical operations, and avoiding computational mistakes.

4. Consider assumptions or interpretations: Evaluate any assumptions or interpretations made by Austin and see if they align with the problem's requirements. Misunderstandings could lead to incorrect solutions.

If after following these steps, you find that Austin's solution is correct and aligns with the given problem, then Austin would be correct. However, if there are clear mistakes or inaccuracies in Austin's approach, and Lisa's solution rectifies those errors, then Lisa would be correct.

Therefore, without specific details about the problem and the steps followed by Austin and Lisa, it is not possible to determine who is correct or if they are both wrong.